As the man approached her she continued to step backwards and changed her direction as he implied. She kept a cold gaze at the man never once flinching as he moved her closer and closer to the back room of the store. Eventually she reached the back door to the storage room.

"Open it and step on in Ma'am. It's time you learn some respect for us here in Kokaluka."

She did as instructed and slowly opened the back door and peered into the darkness of the storage room. As she stepped inside she felt the darkness envelop her and her eyes slowly adjusted to the blackness within. The man stepped into the doorway and stood as a dark silhouette within the light of day behind him.

"I don't want you thinking that I'm going to let you come into town and start stirring up trouble without some resistance on our part. You don't demand information from me Lady. I don't know you, or your troubles, but up here in these parts we stick to our own. No matter who comes a callin' we mind our selves."

And with that he stepped into the darkness with her and pulled the hammer back on the pistol.

The Stolen Soul

Chapter 4

After repeated attempts to speak with this man, She realized that he was not only very distancing, he was a little too agitated for a store clerk that she had just met. She made a final look around the room to verify they were still alone an she returned to the counter with more assertiveness.

"Look Mister. I see you squirming in your shoes behind that counter. Although I can't say why, I really have my suspicions about you. Now if you know anything about the Gentry Gang, I suggest you tell me what you know. I'm begining to think you are working with them."

"Lady I don't know you. And I don't have to tell you anything, least of all who I associated myself with."

The man stepped out from behind the counter and he was holding a firearm at his hip and pointed the barrel right at The Butcher's Daughter. She stepped back a few feet and raised her arms slowly.

"Now I understand you are looking for some men. And I understand those men hurt you and your kin." He said to her as he approached with his gun aimed right at her. he made a motion with it to signal her to the back of the store.