She looked the clerk square in the eye and then glanced around the room before leaning in closer to ask a more sensitive question.

"I've heard their hideaway is close by. You know anything about them boys?"

The clerk stepped back a bit, cleared his throat, and then replied in a louder, more distancing voice...

"No Ma'am. Never heard of the Gentry gang. What makes you feel they are from this part of the territory?"

Surprised by the cold response she received from him, hesitated with a response. It seemed as though this man was hiding something. Perhaps he knew more than what he was letting on. There was also a coldness to him she couldn't quite face. The same cold she has seen in her previous clients...and the same cold she felt when the men raided her home.

"Is there something you aren't sharing sir?"

"Not at all. Now please. Purchase something or move along."

The Stolen Soul

Chapter 2

Knowing it was still too early to find any of the ruffians at the saloon, she decided to make her way into the General Store. Everything she would need for her job would be available in there. As she walked across the dusty roadway she noticed a handful of locals standing around out side of the store. They all stared at her as she tied up Belfast and then followed her with their eyes as she entered into the store.

Inside the store there were only two other patrons. The man behind the counter was putting canned goods onto the shelf. As she approached he turned around to greet her. He had a pleasant looking smile and he nodded his head at her as she stepped up.

"Good day Madam. Haven't seen you in these parts before." He said to her as he walked over to the counter to greet her.

"No. I'm here on business just needed a few supplies before moving on." she quickly replied.

"So you are just passing through then, or is your business here in town?"

"I've come to this town searching for the Gentry Gang."