"That's quite the haul you have here." The clerk said as she returned with the armful of items. "Anything else?"

"Actually, yes. I am in the market for a new hip holster and a Colt to go in it. But I don't see any arms in here."

"No. We don't sell firearms in the store."

"Do you know where I could buy one then?"

"Well you have two choices. You can go to the Livery, as the blacksmith there sells arms. Or I can sell you a cheap "used" one from the back room."

She found it odd that the man who was distancing himself from her with the talk of the Gentries is now offering to sell her hot merchandise from the back room. Perhaps the man was working with the Gang and she already knew too much. She needed to decide fast if she was going to leave friendly, or face a potential dangerous situation in the other room.

The Stolen Soul

Chapter 3

Understanding the store worker wasn't in any mood to discuss the situation The woman carries on with her business and begins to gather the supplies she needs for the job at hand. She had just enough rations to get her here and back, but Belfast wasn't interested in carrying a whole lot of extra supplies on the road with him. She would need a few more day's food if the hunt was going to last longer than the single day.

Since the firearms were stolen she was in the market for an additional firearm as well. She had her rifle, but a nice hip holster and a Colt to ride within the sleeve was something she had been after for a long time. Perhaps this was the time to purchase that as well. She also needed a few extra lengths of rope, a shovel, a few empty hemp rice sacks (for holding large objects) and a couple extra canisters of lantern oil...For her lantern of course.

She thought a bit longer about what she would need and decided these items would suffice for now. She would hold off on the food and come back if the days slipped away from her too quickly. Besides, if she added too many more items to the take, Belfast would be upset and hold it against her.