She did as instructed and slowly opened the back door and peered into the darkness of the storage room. As she stepped inside she felt the darkness envelop her and her eyes slowly adjusted to the blackness within. The man stepped into the doorway and stood as a dark silhouette within the light of day behind him.

"Excuse me please." he said as he brushed past her to the window in the back of the room. He opened the blinds and let the filtered light of day shine into the room.

The fresh sunlight sprayed across the room illuminating all of the fanciful treasure just waiting to be purchased. But when she looked around the room she recognized many of the firearms as those her father had owned. these were the stolen guns from their house.

"I don't want you thinking that I'm going to let you come into town and ruin the good thing me and the boys have going."

He pulled out a sidearm and pointed it toward her. She looked around the room for something to protect herself with but there was nothing. She was all alone and in a world of trouble. The Clerk pulled the hammer back on the gun and then shut the blinds again leaving the room in total darkness. He walked toward her to finish her off.

The Stolen Soul

Chapter 4

The clerk sensed that he may have made the woman feel nervous. He tried to reword what he had said previously to help he be more at ease but it didn't work.

"So why are you in such a hurry to get a gun Ma'am?"

"I have some unfinished business here in town with the Gentry Gang."

The Gentry Gang huh? You must have a death wish. Those boys are ruthless."

The man stepped out from behind the counter and started to walk toward the back room. he motioned for her to follow him and they both walked towards the back room to make a secret firearm transaction.

A she followed behind him she had a ut feelign that somethign wasn't quite right. She kept a cold gaze at the man never once flinching as he moved her closer and closer to the back room of the store. Eventually she reached the back door to the storage room.

"Step on in Ma'am. It's time you learn how to get a great sidearm here in Kokaluka. Let me just get the window so you can see."