Web Design
© Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012
Current freelance client - Superfrog

Having worked with Superfrog for nearly 4 years as their artist/creative director, I have developed 3 different web sites for the band, along with a variety of marketing materials.

This was the first site I created for the band. It implemented an audio player embeded in a secondary web page loaded by frames so navigation throughout the site allowed for listening to the music to be uninterupted. The framework of the site was HTML with a full flash interface embeded as the primary site. It is long gone from the web, however, a version is available on this server.

You can see the live version of the site here.

Chad Fillion's Portfolio. © 2012