Traditional Drawing
© Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012
Pencil/ Pen & Ink /Digital colorization - 2004

Similar to the process of creating the Dragon Eye image, this pencil drawing was outlined with pen and ink to darken the lines for colorization. It was scanned and then colorized in Painter. One of the goals of this image was to go with a monochromatic color scheme. I chose the pinkish/purple tones as a dusk/dawn setting for the image. The surrealism was inspired by Dali.

Overall time: +/- 3 hours

Chad Fillion's Portfolio. © 2012