Game Design
© Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012 © Chad Fillion, 2012
Concept art of various FDL weapons

Various weapon concepts were discussed as a group including the "blade" weapon which fires large (14-16") saw blades in a double helix pattern and the sustain beam (energy weapon) which builds in concentration and destruction overr time while active. Both of these weapon's concept sketches are shown here.

Please refer to the Design Document for more information on the weapons available in FDL.

Overall time: +/- 8 hours

Chad Fillion's Portfolio. © 2012